FTL Somalia

Tropical Cyclones bring floods and risk of waterborne Diseases

Two persons being rescued from drowning
Floods in Beledweyne

A late November tropical cyclone came to reality during the first week of December 2019 with the passage of PAWAN-19 over Nugaal and Bari regions of Puntland. The cyclone resulted in heavy rain and floods, affecting an estimated 15,000 people, and posing a high risk of waterborne diseases in the most affected districts of Eyl, Bandarbayla, Galuula and Laasqoray. In Beledweyne town, River levels have been gradually dropping during since mid November, with receding waters in the flood‐affected areas. This saw the return of close to 50,000 of the displaced people in Beledweyne returning to their homes in the last two weeks of November.