FTL Somalia

Jubbaland and Southwest Presidents Visit SODMA Headquarters in Mogadishu

The leaders of the regional states of Jubbaland and Southwest were at the headquarters of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SODMA) on Wednesday.

President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed Laftagareen and President Ahmed Ismail Madobe of Southwest and Jubbaland respectively visited the SODMA head offices.

They were welcomed by Mahamuud Moallim, the SODMA Commissioner.

The SODMA Commissioner briefed President Laftagareen and President Madobe on the ongoing humanitarian efforts in the country.

Specifically, he addressed the effects of Cyclone Laly.

The cyclone is scheduled to cause untold damages to various coastal cities such as Barawe, Kismayo, Jamame, Marka, Badhadhe, and Mogadishu among others.