FTL Somalia

One Officer Injured as Mogadishu Police Station is Attacked

One officer was injured when a police station in Mogadishu was attacked on February 23 by a suspected suicide bomber.

Sadaq Adan Ali, a spokesperson for the Somali Police Force (SPF), confirmed that the incident occurred when police officers foiled a suicide bombing attempt.

He said that officers received reports of a person wearing a vest fitted with explosives had been seen outside Hamar-Weyne Police Station in the nation’s capital.

Officers rushed to the scene to prevent the man from detonating his explosives.

Ali said that the incident took place at 11.25am.

One officer, who identity remains unknown for now, was injured in the melee.

The prospective suicide bomber then took off from the scene after officers blocked his attempts at blowing himself up.

However, he was arrested shortly after.

Nevertheless, unconfirmed reports show that a different man was arrested as the person wearing the explosives took off from the scene.