With the upcoming (s)elections around the corner and no agreement on the general modalities let alone the nitty-gritty of the process, it is imperative that the International Partners put their respective Diplomatic Missions on High Alert while observing the COVID-19 guidelines.
In this Flash Dhambal, our experts, have shed light on the imminent collapse of Dhusamareb III and are urging the International Partners to finalise its preparation for a prompt intervention.
At the same time, experts point out the conflicting views on the way forward and distinguish the different actors and their respective objectives or interests, while also elaborating on the context in which this electoral tug-of-war is taking place.
With the rapidly escalating political tensions, FTL recommends a more balanced decisions and Joint Statements and to actively avoid statements that could be perceived to constitute an infringement of sovereignty.

Prosopis juliflora
Our political analysts see similarities between the hasty Prosopis push in the 70s and the push Somali Politicians are now experiencing with regard to the Hybrid Election model for 2020-2021 and possible term extension.
FTL Electoral and Constitutional Experts noted that the involvement of few ‘conventional’ Members of the International Community is complicating the situation beyond repair and that inserting new variables (e.g. Hybrid Election Model) at this late stage into the equation, and forcing the country to leapfrog into the unknown is not only risky but irresponsible and a questionable decision.
Philosophical Clash
The perceived philosophical clash between Somali Politicians and the UN with regard to the upcoming elections, and with the United Nations Assistance Mission mandate expiring this month, International Partners should seize this opportunity to look into the diminished collaboration between the UN and the Federal Government of Somalia.
In this Dhambal, our political analysts propose number of recommendations to de-escalate the situation.
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